
Timeliness in COTS Factory-Floor Distributed Systems: What Role for Simulation?
Ref: HURRAY-TR-0428       Publication Date: 1, Sep, 2004

Timeliness in COTS Factory-Floor Distributed Systems: What Role for Simulation?

Ref: HURRAY-TR-0428       Publication Date: 1, Sep, 2004

In the past few years, a significant amount of work has been devoted to the timing analysis of Ethernetbased technologies. However, none of these address the problem of timeliness evaluation at a holistic level. This paper describes a research framework embracing this objective. It is advocated that, simulation models can be a powerful tool, not only for timeliness evaluation, but also to enable the introduction of less pessimistic assumptions in an analytical response time approach, which, most often, are afflicted with simplifications leading to pessimistic assumptions and, therefore, delusive results. To this end, we address a few inter-linked research topics with the purpose of setting a framework for developing tools suitable to extract temporal properties of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) factory-floor communication systems.

Nuno Pereira
Luis Miguel Pinho
Eduardo Tovar

5th IEEE Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS '04), pp 13-21.
Vienna, Austria.

Record Date: 1, Sep, 2004