

Implementation of the Interpolation Scheme


Implementation of the interpolation scheme for an embedded computer platform named ATDVK90CAN1. At pre-runtime, nodes are statically assigned their coordinates, then nodes perform an interpolation repeatedly. Every time a new interpolation is made, one node connected to a desktop computer sends the set of points selected to a visualization application via the serial port.

This is C code, developed with AVR Studio 4.13 b528 and using Atmel's Software Library, with applied. [Download]


Visualization Tool


Visualization application that receives the interpolation points via the serial port. Based on the interpolation points received, this application then constructs a visual representation of the interpolation in 3D.

This is a Windows executable. Glax and the MSComm Control are necessary to run this application. [Download]


Interpolation of Sensor Data in 2D


Implementation of a simulation for the interpolation of sensor data in 2D designed to exploit WiDOM.

This C source code generates matlab .m files for generating the data plots of the interpolation. [Download]